I feel like every other day I am having another crisis about where my artowrk is going. One of the struggles of having an art studio away from other artists is the lack of conversion that naturally arises when artists gather together over the coffee pot. I have had many long discussions that start by the kettle but eventually end up either in the studio or the couch for hours at a time. You can discuss art, artists, ideas, themes, concepts, cultures and history that unfortunately doesn't happen when you are on your own. It is when you are on your own that you are encouraged to go to more exhibition openings, art groups and meets, culture cafes and galleries. However, when in lockdown that is kind of hard.
I am finding it difficult to look back on my work with a wider world context and eye and it is making my creation of work difficult to both ground and experience. While in my head and while I am creating I feel create, a few days later it all seems pointless. I can be happy in where I want to be and how I am getting there and yet the entire things still feels off and confusing.
I came up with the concept of NEST at the start of lockdown as a way to reconnect with my surrounding environment. The work was going to consist of drawings, paintings, sculptures and thoughts created purely from what I had around me. While this did open up doors to other ideas, it didn't really fit. I knew I wanted to get into scottish folklore more within my artwork but I didn't really know how or why. I eventually came up with ways to incorporate the idea of NEST and folklore together and yet again it didn't feel right.
I recently applied to continue my studies and I think this application process made me aware of just how disconnected from the current art world I am. I know I want to combine art, history and folklore together in a contemporary way and yet I find myself outwith the contemporary world. I think this disconnection between me, the art world and the art work I create rises from not being around fellow artists and art spaces. It makes me sad and also driven at the same time to work. And yet even when I do work I end up more sad. The circle of art isolation ain't great man!
Please let me know any art exhibitions I can view online that you guys love!