Untitled Analemma is a collaborative short film and body of work by Rachael Horsburgh (Moray) and Fiona Sanderson (Orkney).
In the ocean of life where each individual soul swirls through the whirlpools of life, negotiating rapids and torrents, sometimes sinking into doldrums, each soul sheds memories like tears. Filling their own individual soul/bowl. Which all combine to form the ocean of memories and experiences. And within that ocean, souls are linked together almost like the flashing of a lighthouse across an expansive sea.
Untitled Analemma initially began after discussions exploring Scottish folklore, history, and lighthouses. We discussed the physical distance between us and the water in-between. Fiona creates beautiful metal works, particularly bowls, which can only be photographed correctly underwater, so this idea of water and light started bouncing between us. We wondered if we could send a beam of light between us from the island to the mainland. We discussed how light is like memory, and we experience memory through the eye. How the eye is like a bowl or receptacle, and they gather in memories.
With this film piece, we wanted to tell the story of life, gathering memories from birth to death, one drip at a time.